Thursday, April 5, 2007

windows 1.0

Price in Germany: Full version: 262 €
16 bits operating system Data medium: 5.25 tariff disks
appeared in the USA: Win 1.01:20. November 1985
Win 1.02: January 1986
Win 1.03: August 1986
Win 1.04: April 1987

There at the beginning of the 80's of Microsoft main business therein existed DOS licenses to sell, decided a Bill Gates' graphic surface for DOS to create, in order to work the competition of vision and other one against.

In April 1983 then the first version was completely, which called itself „interface manager “, the PR manager created however the name Windows, since the developers always talked about windows.

Thereupon Bill Gates, against the opinion of the developers, announced Windows for the Comdex 1983. In addition it left 20,000 beds in read Vegas with Windows Kopfkissenbezügen to equip, which had also success, to 90% the visitor knew Windows 1,0, which should appear in April 1984.

When in January 1984 the Mac appeared, was of the Bill Gates's opinion that Windows should look exactly the same, which mixes one work for the developers meant. To the fact the problem came that Windows should not run like the Mac surface only on equipment, but on a multiplicity of PCs to program this meant each quantity of drivers for Windows.

Official release date was already months overdue demanded there gates that Windows should implementing DOS of programs, similarly as IBM TopView, this shifted the distribution date of June 85 then on November 1985. This was then actually the genuine Erscheinungstermin and it appeared 19 months later than first announced and for 99 $ on the market was thrown.

In a later interview Steve Ballmer, the today's boss of Microsoft meant, at six or sieves themselves different Windows 1,0 Vorversionen to remind, until final version was gekürt.

Windows Logo of the first days

The interface manager of an incomplete Windows 1,0 version

Windows was however no large success, since it gave as well as no applications for it, only me
admitted are Excel and in-A-vision (an application of diagrams), therefore had one on the DOS programs
fall back, which made however the advantages of Windows again destroyed.

The packing of Windows 1.0x

For increasing click

Windows 1.0x versions:

Windows 1.01
Windows 1.02
Windows 1.03
Windows 1.04

Windows 1.01

The installation of Windows 1.0x is not exciting straight… =)

The starting screen with old Microsoftlogo

This first Windows is rather with the Norton COMM other as that
to compare today's Multimediaprogrammen. As main input device a revolutionary serves, but
not completely new, input device: The mouse. As surface serves
a kind of Explorer, the individual programs must by hand
are selected.

There is however a large difference in the operation of Windows 1.0x opposite that
later versions: If one selects one point of menu border (e.g. “file”), then must one those
Keep mouse button pressed, do not remain not automatically open he.

The main surface, here my Athlon 1400, disk, non removable disk partition 1-4, DVD, burner, ZIP, everything after 1.01 disks!

Is called: One wants to start the pocket calculator can one
a symbol to separate must the file calc.exe do not select look for and them through doubleclick start.
Around the programs to find faster one can let filter under “View”, selbige

The pocket calculator

New technology needs the country:

A “Microsoft Serial Mouse”,
not one of the first mice however one first for Windows.

First Microsoft Mouse still no serial interface had,
separate their own CONTROLLER map and cost with software schlappe
200 $.

The multitasking possibilities was absolutely revolutionary! Several
Programs could run at the same time - anyhow in the theory, became actual
the not used programs simply continue, but one that nevertheless became
constant program start saves.
Minimized programs by the way became as symbol at the lower edge of screen
represented, what a little reminds of the starting border.

Write and the clock, are minimized the intermediate file and the main window (symbols in the country)

Example of multitasking (here under Win 1,03): Turbo Pascal 3,0 can be pushed into the background
in order to make something else, one turbo does not thus only have to terminate Pascal.

Another key word was “CoPy & paste”, thus the intermediate file. It was possible between
to exchange the different Windowsprogrammen simply data. It is a picture or a one

An example of CoPy & paste (here under Win 1,04): A picture part of a ms Paint of picture in a Write document,
by the way Write does not permit other inserting to a diagram.

Paint was still completely 1-bitig, thus only black-and-white, not times grey tones, but one could
different samples as color replacement select. Beside the normal drawing equipments it still entered
Würfeltool, with which one could draw 3D cube!

Example picture, had to be converted only with Windows 3,0 by the MSP into the BMP format.

There was a play already: Reversi (see Windows of plays). It became from me inexplicable reasons
no more to Windows 3,1 taken over, with Windows 3,0 was it still

Desire get it to try out??
Try on the virtual PC nevertheless times Win out 1,01 a little on-line!

Windows 1.02

If version revised, could however no technical difference find, this version probably became
for the European market made, there are therefore also linguistic adjustments.

The starting screen of Windows 1.02

The MS-DOS Executive can be started also several times over by dragee & be copied drop

The largest innovation with Windows 1,02 is thus the presence of not English versions,
like the first German Windows version:

There is it nevertheless! Windows 1.02

Write possesses already its own Unterversion

The calendar is not only used by me still =)

The computer possesses already a small assistance

Said on the left of one of the disks by Windows 1,02, more exactly by Write.

Down the cardboard, simply by clicking, 170 KB increase attention!

Windows 1.03

Starting screen of Windows 1.03

Easily version improved. The changes are:

The version 1.03 replaced with it in the USA directly the 1,01 and in Europe 1.02; Quotation Readmedatei:

Version of 1.03 OF Windows support all OF the features OF and replaces both the 1,01 version
OF Windows shipped into the US, and the 1,02 version shipped in Europe.

Whom now interested which was in hardware to be at that time paid, itself times those should
Price lists of December 1986 in the
Downloadbereich too striven lead.

The German sales packing of Windows 1,03, Windows 1.0x has the German sub-title “prompting”

Click (to increasing)

That German manual
Click (to increasing)

Here there are excerpts from the German manual!

Opposite Win 1,01 superficially nothing did

The system control

The calendar, still functionally!

Ohhh, Windows terminate….

One of the 6 installation disks

In the following few pictures of Windows a 1,03 German:

Windows 1,03 German, MS-DOS Executive is called only MS-DOS

The copyright still stands at 1985, the files is however from December 1986

The programs are simply only translated actually

In the system control one can into shape-make oneself all

Play? Gibt's, only work meetings are not permitted with Windows!

Windows 1.04

Windows 1,04 is a errorsettled opposite Windows 1,03, the updates in the detail:

The starting screen of Windows 1,04 with new and still current Microsoft Logo

Excerpt from Readme.txt file, in which the changes are indicated.

Press to Windows 1.0x

Read here which c't on Windows the 1.0x reported.
Windows 1,01 in the computers personal (Scan 4 MT).
Windows 1 in the chip 02/86 (1.4 MT)

Press release from Microsoft to the start of Windows (November 1985) (English)


Windows 1.0x is actually to nothing well, theoretically could one it to the letter writes to use,
but who has already Win 1 driver? Even for longer texts it is not really suitable. Who not
straight one age-old computers to operate wants, seizes to Win 3.x.

Note: Windows 1.0x runs only to including DOS version 5.0 without problems.

Systemvorrausetzungen Minimum Meaningfully/optimal
CCU Intel 8088 8 MHz CCU
Main memory 256 KB RAM 640 KB
Non removable disk place no non removable disk needs 1 MT
Drive assemblies Floppy disk drive 2 floppy disk drives
DOS 2.0 5.0

Left internally:

Windows 1,01 in on-line VPC
Windows 1,03 manual page 1 & page 2
Windows 1.0x in the press
Windows 1,01 in the computers personal (Scan 4 MT) from the library of the CMM
Windows 1.0x international

Left externally:

Advertising video for Windows 1 with Steve Ballmer .
Windows 1 original Werbeslideshow (English)
Advertisement for Windows of 1986 (English)
and suitable photos

Letzte Änderung am: 27.11.2006

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